The Electoral Fix is In, and the Situation is Excellent

Joe Biden keeps wandering off, literally, physically. On video. And it’s accelerating.

Oh, but this is awesome!

They can’t let him be voted out of office because electoral fraud is decentralized. (We here at Neurotoxin put 98% probability on the “decentralized fraud” hypothesis. Anyway, we don’t believe that lefties are emotionally capable of letting Trump win, even if they had the organization to prevent fraud.)

This means that in November 2024 they’re going to be stuck with a “victory” for the codger with advanced, and obvious, mental decline.

To avoid this, they’re most likely to try to use the 25th Amendment, which allows the President’s Cabinet to remove him from office if he is unable to serve as President. (Originally I was thinking some leftist faction would send Biden to the Big Ten Percent Pork Barrel in the sky and false-flag it so it looks like a “right-wing” hit job. But even lefties may see the danger of opening that can of worms.) So they’ll declare Joe non compos mentis and get him off the game board. They’ll be annoyed to have to concede that conservatives were right about Joe’s mental acuity, but that won’t bother them much – they’ll just do the usual “Republicans pounce” story. They have that phrase hot-keyed in their word processors.

Yet if they send Biden off to pasture they’ll be stuck with… Kamala Harris, that cackling sub-moron! They’d probably want to get rid of her too, one way or another, in which case they’d get Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, who is a Republican and therefore presumably a swamp creature who will obey orders.

If inertia rules, no one will do anything and the left will try to just keep rolling along with Joe. At some point, though, this simply becomes impossible, because the man will keep wandering off, and will continue speaking incoherently, until the entire planet knows he’s non compos mentis. To be more precise: everyone already knows he’s non compos mentis, but at some point the Emperor’s New Clothes effect will be triggered and everyone will publicly, explicitly say that he is.

(In other words, Joe’s mental incompetence will be game-theoretic common knowledge, or if you like, it will be an official part of The Narrative.)

So that sticks them with Harris. She’s obviously an idiot, but is she an idiot who can understand that she’s being given orders, by whoever gives the orders, and can understand that she must obey them Or Else? Quite possibly, yes, given that that conversation will take place after Biden has been shuffled off. Harris is an idiot, but even she can grok “We got rid of Biden, and we’ll get rid of you too if you don’t play ball.”

So those are the two most likely outcomes: They try to just keep rolling along with Joe – leftists kick the can down the road as long as they possibly can – or they remove Joe from the White House and roll the dice on Harris.

So when the global military situation collapses into undeniable abject humiliation – regarding Russia, China, Israel/Hamas and the Houthis – a Dem is veritably guaranteed to be in the White House. Excellent!

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