Could NATO win an all-out war against Russia?

Britain’s Royal Navy resorts to LinkedIn to recruit a top submarine role that will oversee the nation’s nuclear program. I think that’s a good synecdoche for the current Western military situation. But why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyy? How did we get here?

It’s a real puzzler. But let’s think.

They spent decades hating on men in general and white men in particular. They hated on technology; they hated on heterosexuality, they hated on people who aren’t transvestites. They hated on health – How dare you engage in fat-shaming! – and they hated on the notion that anyone might ever be asked to do anything they didn’t like (at least, for women and non-whites). They hated on the very idea of the United States of America as a unitary political and social entity, saying e.g. that expecting immigrants to assimilate is “oppressive” if not downright “genocide.”

Now they’re staring at the military recruitment numbers in shock and panic. Why are so few people willing to die for this thing which we’ve spent decades saying doesn’t or shouldn’t exist? And of those who are willing to fight for it, why are so many of them overweight? Or women? Or men pretending to be women? Or on anti-depressant medications? We told them that hearing anything they didn’t like hearing was “assault,” and now we’re faced with the problem of a set of recruits who are – for some reason – emotionally fragile and not at all used to handling adversity. How did they get that way? I guess it’s a mystery that will never be solved.

They spent decades moving production to foreign countries, and now they’re in a panic terror over their inability to rapidly produce war materiel. They really seem surprised. “We spent decades moving production capacity out of the country. Now for some reason we don’t have much productive capacity within our country. How did that happen?!”

Which brings me to two broader points:

First, one definition of the Left, that animal with a hundred faces, is that it’s the desire to have effects without causes. They want healthy, masculine men who are willing to fight and risk death for the USA, after spending decades undercutting the foundations of masculinity, military service, health, and the very idea of the USA. They want men who can handle adversity and are willing to engage in violent conflict, after spending decades attacking those qualities as “toxic masculinity.”

Now, “Where are all the warriors?” the leftist establishment cries. They appear to be genuinely surprised at the military situation they find themselves in.

The second point is this: the Left is brilliant at achieving its goals – since the French Revolution of circa 1790 it’s had a string of victories uninterrupted except for the Cold War – but breathtakingly bad at choosing those goals in the first place. If the Left wants to demonize masculinity it will succeed in getting the haute reaches of society to demonize masculinity. If it wants to push women into the military, including in combat roles, it will accomplish that. Etc. But why on earth did they choose those goals? Leftists seem unable to understand that these achievements will have effects, as in “cause and effect,” so we come back around to that. Everything in Leftland, the mental landscape of leftists, exists in a magical fantasy land in which there are no causes or effects, just wishes.

We may soon observe a hot war between two nations. One nation has an official policy that a man who wants to be a woman is in fact a woman, and should be an Admiral in the Navy, and that actual women are just as effective in combat as men. The other nation does not subscribe to such notions. Who will win that war? Oh, the tension is just killing me.

We Don’t Have to Worry About Normie

We don’t have to worry about Normie. Does the Left worry about Normie? Has Normie been able to do anything to stop the Left? If Normie didn’t riot over men in girls’ bathrooms, he’s not going to riot against us when we implement changes that he actually likes. To mention just the mild, lukewarm stuff, to avoid distracting any tremulous readers: eliminate “affirmative action,” get rid of no-fault divorce, overturn the Supreme Court’s insane ruling on gay marriage, and secure our borders. A few Normies will do some performative whining when we stop expending blood and money on countries on the other side of the planet, e.g. Israel – Normie loves virtue signaling about that for some reason – but Normie’s whining affects nothing. If Normie’s whining mattered there wouldn’t be men in your daughter’s grade-school bathroom.

The Left is pure evil, but we can learn some key truths by observing them. Notice how they deal with Normie: they acquire power, and simply ignore his mewling impotent complaining.

The Leftist three-step:
(1) Acquire power.
(2) Use power to do whatever you please, including things that are incandescently evil.
(3) Ignore the whining of those who were too lazy, naive, or burdened with scruples to acquire power.

This has been pretty easy for the left, and we’re going to have it even easier, since the things we’re going to do aren’t incandescently evil.

Justice Department: Biden is Too Senile to Stand Trial

A few days ago the Justice Dept declined to prosecute Biden for possessing classified documents, on the grounds that he’s senile. This was a shocking slap across Biden’s face, and the face of the Biden Administration. What’s going on here?

At first I thought, in disbelief, that there might be a tiny smidgeon of integrity in the Biden Justice Department. Before you scream “Neurotoxin, have you been eating the crayons in art class?!” keep reading. The explanation I came up with went like this: Someone threatened the people in the Justice Department with death if they did anything other than let Biden go, while continuing to persecute Trump for the same alleged crime. But whoever it was at Justice still had one atom of integrity remaining, and so complied with this order in the most obnoxious way possible, by announcing that the official decision is not to prosecute Biden because he’s non compos mentis. Seriously, for those of you who haven’t been following events, that’s the official decision of the Justice Department. Some relevant passages from the Department’s announcement are quoted here, for example. This guy also quotes some snippets and provides a link to the full text of the announcement.

While the idea of a Democratic political appointee displaying any kind of integrity is outrageously unlikely, I couldn’t think of any other explanation at first.

Then I realized that there is a more likely explanation: factionalism. Probably, the reason for refusing to persecute Brandon is simply that there’s some left/Dem faction that wants him out, but can’t stand the idea of “giving Republicans a win.” So they decided to let Biden go, legally speaking, but to slip a knife between his ribs in terms of his electoral viability. It’s early yet; maybe the Dems can toss Biden out the car window and find another nominee. I can’t think of who could be plausible at this point, who also might have contacts in the Justice Department, other than Harris, so that’s one wild guess hypothesis. It could actually be Harris or it could be someone in a Harris faction, if there is a Harris faction. However, the woman is said to be incredibly unlikeable, even by the standards of Democrat swamp creatures, so it’s not clear that there’d be anyone willing to act as a cut-out for her.

There is one more possibility: The Justice folks are frantic about a possible second Trump term and they think anyone would be a more viable candidate than Biden, so they just want him off the ballot. They don’t care who replaces him as the Dem nominee. In this explanation it’s not pro-Harris or pro-anyone in particular, just “We need to write Biden out of the script before the Dem nominee is finalized.” This hypothesis is also consistent with the media going after Biden too. Here’s CNN, for example: Fact check: Biden makes three false claims about his handling of classified information.

Now if you’re paying attention you’ll say, “Dude, this is all beside the point, because the Dems will just fraud their candidate into the White House no matter who that candidate is.” But remember, dear reader: Leftists are ideologically committed to denying that such fraud could take place. So lefties in the Justice Dept. may actually be concerned, at least on a conscious level, about the possibility of Trump winning.

Miscellany 33: This time you ARE going to need lube, and plenty of it

Don’t get too excited; 150 centimeters isn’t even five feet.

(1) Gay porn film accused of racism after actors have sex with a didgeridoo

A hardcore porn film has been accused of racism after actors had sex with a didgeridoo – a ceremonial tribal symbol in Aboriginal culture.

The gay porn movie, ‘Didgeridoo Me’, features two ‘roommates’ using the instrument as a sex toy on each other.

After the film’s release, viewers complained that porn had ‘crossed the line’

Porn fanatics took to Twitter to blast the decision to use a didgeridoo in ‘Didgeridoo Me’, which features lines such as “I’m gonna didgeridoo you in the ass.”

[This article is from 2017 and yet so very Current Year!]

(2) In my blogroll I’ve replaced the defunct blog A Mari Usque Ad Mare (requiesce in pace) with Tell Me How This Ends. I just discovered this and he has a great mix of humor and well-founded contempt and anger for the scum who presume to claim to rule us. (By the way, we still need a good tag for those, er, people. Calling them an “elite,” even ironically, is a bad move. Words matter. These people are a spraying diarrhea hose of stupidity, insanity and evil. There’s no sense in which they’re “elite.”)
Also, while exploring there I discovered that at the bottom of a Substack home page there’s a link called Sitemap, which lets you archive-gorge without having to go to the Archive page and hit the “page down” key a hundred times like a lab rat hitting the button that releases the pellet of crack into its cage. Boy, finding that was a time-saver!

(3) Leftism is a multi-headed hydra and it’s important to analyze all its aspects. Doing this is also rather interesting if you approach it as a purely intellectual excercise. It’s like the metaphor of the blind men and the elephant. So here’s another take on what Leftism is:

Leftism is eating the seedcorn.

That’s why it is so successful in the short run and always fails in the long run.

In economics, leftism’s most extreme version is killing people with stuff and taking their stuff – this is e.g. Marxism. The “less extreme” version is being a parasite to an extent that doesn’t kill the host, or only does so slowly. Yet the very people who want to do this lack the self-control to keep the destruction slow forever, and there’s the ever-present holiness spiral dynamic, so it always ends up morphing into its own extreme version.

In debate/rhetoric/propaganda, leftism consists of eating the seedcorn of social trust. Specifically, this consists of constantly lying about everything all the time. It also consists of destroying the very meaning of words by e.g. calling a man a woman, calling minimal state libertarianism “fascism,” etc.

It eats the seedcorn of human fellow-feeling, of empathy, by making frivolous claims of victimhood central to its ideology. The psychologist Martha Stout, who specializes in sociopaths, says their central identifying feature is the pity play, i.e. the victimhood gambit. In light of modern politics that’s all kinds of interesting, isn’t it?

In governance, leftism eats the seedcorn of state legitimacy by various actions, from brazen electoral fraud to outrageous evils like ordering the nation’s border to be opened to an army of foreign invaders. And on, and on…

(4) Hilarious Washington Post headline: Conn. mayor wins do-over race after GOP seized on Democratic ballot-stuffing. Right, that’s the story here. The story isn’t that Dems engaged in electoral fraud; the story is that Republicans “seized on” it.

What is the logic here in the WaPo’s minds? Are they arguing that Republicans talking about the Dems’ electoral fraud somehow counteracts the fraud? Like, “Sure, the Dems committed fraud, but Republicans talked about it, so it doesn’t count!”

(5) Speaking of sewer-dwelling media slime:
First, the Los Angeles Times was just forced to lay off almost a quarter of its “journalist” employees. Awww, that’s too bad. Did you try the strategy of not being a passel of amoral liars?

Second, the headline at NBC News: Journalists of color hit hard in seismic L.A. Times layoffs. THEY DID IT! THEY DID THE MEME! Layoffs at L.A. Times, women and minorities hardest hit.
NBC News continues: “In a move that jolted the journalism industry Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times, one of the leading newspapers in the country, laid off more than 115 journalists, a gash that affects several journalists of color.”
(My God, out of more than 115 people who were laid off, “several” were not white! Heavens!)

(6) Well, this is interesting! A December 2023 piece at the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum: Central banks and the revival of gold.
One of the most significant changes in the world of money has been happening by stealth rather than through any policy announcement. Gold has regained a solid yet unofficial role in the world’s monetary system in a barely noticed, gradual process that cannot now be overlooked. This is the result of several interlinked reasons. The last few years have seen central banks run into gold, accelerated by declining trust in the dollar following western countries’ freezing of $300bn of Russian foreign exchange reserves after the Ukrainian invasion.
I love the understated tone of that last sentence: Foreign central banks amass gold, not trusting the dollar after the US coalition grabs $300 billion of Russia’s dollars. No shit.

By the way: See what I mean about eating the seedcorn? “We have a currency of uncontested global dominance, and this benefits us in all kinds of ways. Let’s see, what short-sighted and pointless actions can we take that will destroy this asset?”

(7) China warms my heart: “Chinese Intelligence has all but openly admitted that TikTok is part of a targeted program to spread deviance…” In the modern US?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Talk about carrying coals to Newcastle! “Spreading deviance” in the modern US is like bringing sand to the beach.
I find it rather touching that some Chinese still have such a high opinion of us that they think they actually need to “spread deviance” here.

(8) The original COVID vaccine was released during Trump’s Presidency; in fact he bragged about fast-tracking it. So why doesn’t the Left just point that out and blame Trump for all the vaccine’s problems? Sure, this makes no sense, since Trump didn’t personally design the vaccine, but making no sense has never bothered the Left before. Sure, it would require a neck-snapping U-turn on the safety of the vaccine, but neck-snapping U-turns have never bothered the Left before. Neck-snapping U-turns are their forte. For fuck’s sake, they’ve spent every day since World War II calling everyone they don’t like a “Nazi” and yet they barely hiccupped last year when the Canadian legislature hosted an actual, literal Nazi. They spent four years saying Trump and Russia stole the 2016 election, then in November 2020 started saying that anyone who questions a US election is a fascist, with no cognitive dissonance whatsoever. Doing a U-turn on the vax would not only be possible for these people, it would be routine. So why don’t they? One hypothesis: They’re planning on doing another round of “You must get vaxxed” before the 2024 election, as part of all the mail-in ballots theater. So they can’t say, just yet, that the vaccines were terrible and it was all Trump’s fault. That may come, but not until circa November 10, 2024.

(9) The human race contains a significant proportion of lamentable fuckwits who can’t think their way out of a paper bag. It seems a lot of them know they’re lamentable fuckwits who can’t think their way out of a paper bag, and have a coping strategy of simply repeating whatever rhetoric their semantic environment tags as “intelligent” or “enlightened” thoughts. This is okay when the prevailing semantic environment is sane, but bad when it’s insane. Furthermore, evil people know all this and that is one of the reasons they devote so much effort to taking control of society’s semantic environment.

A large part of political struggles consists of trying to capture the idea-propagating institutions in order to control the minds of the lamentable fuckwits who can’t think their way out of a paper bag. They’re a resource that is fought over, like valuable terrain in a land war.

(10) A commenter here quotes one Robert Lewis Dabney on conservatives:
This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader.
This was written in 1897.

(11) I like to end these posts on a lighter note, so: I recently learned there was a Marine weapon in World War II which was called, rather excellently, the Modified Johnson.
I have no further questions at this time.