Miscellany 19: Liberal Hack Edition

(1) Video: Arizona Senator Martha McSally calls CNN “reporter” a “liberal hack” to his face on camera. It’s around the 0:45 mark in the linked vid. I originally saw this clip at RazorFist/Rageaholic (lost that link) and he comments that that moment made him want to propose marriage. That was exactly what I blurted when I saw the clip.
Her: “Manu, you’re a liberal hack. I’m not going to talk to you.”
Me: “Marry me!”
McSally is now selling “liberal hack” T-shirts, bless her.

(2) Speaking of leftist agitprop operatives, here’s a practical definition of chutzpah: Greg Sargent of the Washington Post:

“Trump and his propagandists are actively trying to engineer violent civil conflict, by signaling to white Americans that they are under siege in a race war that they’re losing.”

Unbelievable. A lefty reporter, in the current environment, claiming Trump is stirring up civil conflict? The brazenness of leftist lying really is unlimited.

(3) Starting in early June there was a burst of people arriving at my site from searches involving the idea of a second American civil war. While most search engines now mask the search terms that lead people to your site, not all of them do. There have been occasional searches on this theme over the years, but only two or three per year. Check out the recent ones:

June 7: 1 hit from the search term second american civil war.
On June 8 there were two such terms, the 2nd civil war has started, which generated 4 hits, and possibility of a second american civil war, which generated 1 hit.
June 10: second american civil war is starting.
Jun 11: what a second us civil war would look like 2020
June 12: 2nd american civil war 2020
June 23: the 2nd civil war has started
June 24: will the left start a civil war
June 30: civil war 2020
July 1: when will the left start civilwar (sic)
July 5: can the left win the civil war
July 14: Two, time to give the left war tehy want (sic) and is the united states heading for a civil war

People can see what’s happening.

(4) After the riots of late May through (so far) mid-July, the left is freaking out about Trump winning the November election. An additional reason is the Congressional elections. Now that everyone paying attention knows that Democrats are the party of literally burning buildings down, the Dems’ chances of re-taking the Senate just got much lower, and their chance of losing the House got a lot higher. No wonder they’re freaking out!

I pray that every soccer Mom in the U.S.A. sees Minneapolis and all those other cities burning.

(5) I wonder if social media might, in the last analysis, be good for stopping the holiness spiral short of an all-out civil war. The reason is that it makes the holiness spiral accelerate so fast that normies can’t help but notice.

Even people on the left are beginning to notice, and yelp about it. E.g. the petition that Noam Chomsky et al recently signed, Matt Taibbi’s recent article (https://taibbi.substack.com/p/the-left-is-now-the-right), etc.

Nah, pipe dream. Holiness spirals are so inherently unstable by their very nature that they can’t really stop, short of being forced to stop by externally-imposed force. But it is nice that even the “old” brand of leftists like Chomsky – himself pretty damn extreme – are starting to wish the brakes could be applied. That cannot hurt, and maybe it will help.

(6) It’s a notable fact that the right is now the intellectual leading edge of the western world. The left is doing nothing, intellectually, but trying to come up with new ways of calling people “racist” (…sexist, this-aphobe, that-aphobe, etc.). While the right has come up with, to name just a couple, the concepts of holiness spirals, shit-testing (as a concept that is used in political thinking), hypergamy (ditto), Chesterton’s fence (ditto), etc. Intellectually, the left has nothing but “White people are horrible!” and lamely trying to come up with new ways of saying that. The Right is where all the energy, intelligence, intellectual openness, and sheer intellectual alive-ness are. People on the right are not just fighters. We’re intellectually alive and curious and genuinely interested in understanding things. That never existed on the left; it was always just another lie (“left-wing intellectuals”), which they used to help them consolidate power in the universities.

(7) Missouri: Prosecutor Kim Gardner’s Office Tampered With Evidence to Charge The McCloskey’s With Crimes. The handgun the woman was holding was not operative, thus under Missouri law preventing them from charging her with “felonious threat” or whatever. So the prosecutor’s office re-assembled the gun so it would be operative, so they could charge them with a felony. Holy fuck.

In response to being called out for falsifying evidence, the (black) prosecutor and her defenders called the people calling it out “racist.”

President Trump has been following this case. He should send federal marshalls in to arrest her for conspiracy to deprive people of their civil rights, which is a felony. He really should do this. It’s a perfect case for this kind of action. What’s the media going to do to shield her, defend evidence tampering? (Of course they will, but not effectively.) If nothing else the light his tweets shine on it will prevent her from getting away with it. But that’s way too little in response to the crime. And when will we ever get another case this clear?

(8) Let’s end on a couple of cheery notes:

July 23, 2020: Twitter ad revenue plummets by 23%:

Per CNN:

Twitter (TWTR) is actively exploring additional ways to make money from its users, including by considering a subscription model, CEO Jack Dorsey said Thursday. The move comes as Twitter suffers a sharp decline in its core advertising business.

“You will likely see some tests this year” of various approaches, Dorsey told analysts on an investor call held to discuss the company’s second quarter earnings results. Dorsey said he has “a really high bar for when we would ask consumers to pay for aspects of Twitter,” but confirmed that the company is seeking to diversify its sources of revenue…

Twitter reported second-quarter ad revenues of $562 million, a 23% decrease compared to the same quarter a year ago.

Quarterly ad revenue of $562 million seems nice, but the 23% drop, and other info they have, obviously is making them alarmed, or they wouldn’t consider the subscription model, a desperate move for a social media company.

Ace comments: “Most of the country… remains captive in their own homes with only the internet for diversion, and Twitter still can’t sell ads? LOL.”

(9) The ideal woman, based on porn data:

Based on [porn website] xHamster’s survey of 50,000 respondents from over 150 countries, Cosmopolitan Magazine reported in May 2019 that “the ideal dream woman is a 25-year-old, 5’5”, Eurasian, bisexual woman named ‘Shy Yume.’” This supposed “ideal” woman has blue eyes, straight, dark, long hair, an “average” body size, “fully shaved” genitals, and is “not a feminist.”

Sounds pretty fucking awesome to me, though I’d go a couple of years younger than 25. How about 20. And who cares what her name is?

Here’s a fitting celebrity. Can you identify her?


It’s actually a digital amalgamation of Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie.

Another Day, Another Spew of Leftist Projection

A spew of projection from SJW lefty Scott Aaronson.

Aaronson discusses Will He Go?, a book by “legal scholar” Lawrence Douglas. Douglas, being a projecting leftist, kvetches about the bizarre scenario of Trump losing in November 2020, but not admitting that he has lost and trying to stay in the White House. Plainly this is just the usual projection, after the left refused to accept the outcome of 2016. Now they are trying the usual DARVO strategy of accusing the other side of what they’re doing.

DARVO stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. It is behavior typically used by sociopaths and – surprise! – often used by the left. In a breathtaking piece of meta-DARVO, the Wikipedia article on DARVO accuses Trump of engaging in DARVO. This after the left tried to oust him in a dictatorial anti-democratic coup, while accusing Trump of being dictatorial. That is, the Wikipedia article on DARVO actually engages in DARVO. We need to include accusations of DARVO as part of standard DARVO tactics.

Douglas’s book seems to be an attempt to prepare the battlespace for the left’s upcoming electoral fraud, and Trump’s calling out of the same and refusing to leave the White House until after an honest (or as close as we can get to honest) recount. Douglas, like Biden and other leftists, wants to seed people’s minds with the prior belief that Trump will be the dishonest player here.

One might ask leftists, “Why not just adopt political positions that the majority of people don’t find abhorrent, so your side has a non-trivial chance of winning?” But such questions are pointless with the left. Among other things, they can’t stop even if they wanted to because they’re caught up in a severe holiness spiral.


“Suppose that, as this president’s deepest (and perhaps only) principle, he never backs down, never apologizes, never acknowledges any inconvenient fact, and never accepts the legitimacy of any contest that he loses”

An absolute BLAST of projection. The left lost in 2016 and is still trying to undo that election. They spread rank lies about the President and Russia. They involved a foreign intelligence operative (Christopher Steele) while accusing Trump of enlisting foreign intelligence services. They tried to remove him from office by impeachment, with the accusation that he’d committed a Ukrainian crime that his Democratic opponent Biden actually committed, having explicitly bragged about it on video.

Aaronson: “Suppose that, during the final presidential debate, he pointedly refuses to promise to respect the election outcome if he loses—a first in American history.”

For fuck’s sake! The left refused to accept the 2016 outcome. What is the point of such blatant lies, Aaronson? Do you really believe that no one remembers the “It was Russia!” lies and the attempt to oust Trump based on those lies? Jesus, how short-memoried do you think people are? Let’s review: The “Russia” story, based on works of fiction like the Steele fantasy (“dossier”) was used by the FBI, a rogue intelligence service, to try to overthrow the legitimately-elected government of the United States of America by means of fabricated data. It really is terrifying that they could attempt such treasonous insurrection and not one of them has been executed, or seems likely to be executed, for treason.

And after that attempted coup, which went on for years, Aaronson has the gall to yap about Trump possibly refusing “to respect the election outcome if he loses—a first in American history.”

“Douglas asks: is America’s Constitutional machinery up to a challenge that it’s never yet faced, of a president who accepts democracy itself as legitimate only when he wins?”

The mind boggles at the brazenness of the projection, gaslighting, and DARVO here.

“So suppose Trump has a slight edge on election night, Fox News calls the race for him, but then an avalanche of absentee or provisional ballots shift things in Biden’s favor over the following week. Can you imagine Trump or his supporters accepting the latter?”

Yeah, it’s funny how “those extra ballots we just found” always give the Democrat the victory, isn’t it? What a remarkable coincidence!

“Or suppose that, on election day, Russian hackers cut off electricity or voter registration databases in Philadelphia or Detroit, via computer systems that we know they already broke into and that remain exposed (!).”

Wow. It only takes Aaronson a couple of paragraphs to go from “ZOMG IT’S COMPLETELY FASCIST TO QUESTION AN ELECTION’S LEGITIMACY!” to “What if the election isn’t legitimate?!” Give leftists this: They’re certainly… mentally flexible.

“Trump has already told his followers that voting by mail is a scam to be fiercely opposed, never mind that he uses it himself.” Be serious. George W. Bush got out of jury duty when he was President, because the President’s time is too valuable to spend on that sort of thing. Presidents must be exempted from some rules.

“So again: imagine if mail-in ballots overturn what looked like a Trump win on election night.”

That is indeed a likely scenario, because the left does not accept democratic outcomes when they don’t win. It’s quite plausible that Trump will win by X votes spread across several key states, then in the next several days those states will just happen to “find” 1.2X votes for Biden. We all know this is a pretty likely outcome, which is of course exactly why Douglas and Aaronson are trying to pre-frame it as proving Trump’s tyranny, instead of the left’s tyranny.

“Douglas doesn’t mention, because it happened too recently, the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests [arson, murder, vandalism, looting]… But assuming the protests continue through the fall, they’ll of course give the Trumpists even more pretexts to meddle with the election, in the name of imposing ‘order.’”

“Pretexts,” unbelievable. “France nukes Boston: Watch out for rabid conservatives trying to use this as a pretext for war with France.”

“…Trump’s frequent glorifications of violence, and his heavily armed base.” Which side is burning down buildings and killing people?

Aaronson then says:

“Five years ago, thousands of woke activists shamed me for writing about my teenage experiences on this blog, a few even calling for an end to my career. Especially if those activists emerge victorious from a turbulent 2020—as I hope they will—I expect that they’ll come for me again.”

Scott Aaronson loves Big Brother. I would have thought the psychology of that was pure fiction, invented by Orwell for 1984, but I guess it’s real. Ugh, disgustingly cowardly. On the other hand, it takes out some of our enemies, who are basically announcing, “I’m a soft target!” to people who are itching to take them down. One of the satisfactions of the last few years has been watching the accelerating tendency of the left to eat its own.