Miscellany 33: This time you ARE going to need lube, and plenty of it

Don’t get too excited; 150 centimeters isn’t even five feet.

(1) Gay porn film accused of racism after actors have sex with a didgeridoo

A hardcore porn film has been accused of racism after actors had sex with a didgeridoo – a ceremonial tribal symbol in Aboriginal culture.

The gay porn movie, ‘Didgeridoo Me’, features two ‘roommates’ using the instrument as a sex toy on each other.

After the film’s release, viewers complained that porn had ‘crossed the line’

Porn fanatics took to Twitter to blast the decision to use a didgeridoo in ‘Didgeridoo Me’, which features lines such as “I’m gonna didgeridoo you in the ass.”

[This article is from 2017 and yet so very Current Year!]

(2) In my blogroll I’ve replaced the defunct blog A Mari Usque Ad Mare (requiesce in pace) with Tell Me How This Ends. I just discovered this and he has a great mix of humor and well-founded contempt and anger for the scum who presume to claim to rule us. (By the way, we still need a good tag for those, er, people. Calling them an “elite,” even ironically, is a bad move. Words matter. These people are a spraying diarrhea hose of stupidity, insanity and evil. There’s no sense in which they’re “elite.”)
Also, while exploring there I discovered that at the bottom of a Substack home page there’s a link called Sitemap, which lets you archive-gorge without having to go to the Archive page and hit the “page down” key a hundred times like a lab rat hitting the button that releases the pellet of crack into its cage. Boy, finding that was a time-saver!

(3) Leftism is a multi-headed hydra and it’s important to analyze all its aspects. Doing this is also rather interesting if you approach it as a purely intellectual excercise. It’s like the metaphor of the blind men and the elephant. So here’s another take on what Leftism is:

Leftism is eating the seedcorn.

That’s why it is so successful in the short run and always fails in the long run.

In economics, leftism’s most extreme version is killing people with stuff and taking their stuff – this is e.g. Marxism. The “less extreme” version is being a parasite to an extent that doesn’t kill the host, or only does so slowly. Yet the very people who want to do this lack the self-control to keep the destruction slow forever, and there’s the ever-present holiness spiral dynamic, so it always ends up morphing into its own extreme version.

In debate/rhetoric/propaganda, leftism consists of eating the seedcorn of social trust. Specifically, this consists of constantly lying about everything all the time. It also consists of destroying the very meaning of words by e.g. calling a man a woman, calling minimal state libertarianism “fascism,” etc.

It eats the seedcorn of human fellow-feeling, of empathy, by making frivolous claims of victimhood central to its ideology. The psychologist Martha Stout, who specializes in sociopaths, says their central identifying feature is the pity play, i.e. the victimhood gambit. In light of modern politics that’s all kinds of interesting, isn’t it?

In governance, leftism eats the seedcorn of state legitimacy by various actions, from brazen electoral fraud to outrageous evils like ordering the nation’s border to be opened to an army of foreign invaders. And on, and on…

(4) Hilarious Washington Post headline: Conn. mayor wins do-over race after GOP seized on Democratic ballot-stuffing. Right, that’s the story here. The story isn’t that Dems engaged in electoral fraud; the story is that Republicans “seized on” it.

What is the logic here in the WaPo’s minds? Are they arguing that Republicans talking about the Dems’ electoral fraud somehow counteracts the fraud? Like, “Sure, the Dems committed fraud, but Republicans talked about it, so it doesn’t count!”

(5) Speaking of sewer-dwelling media slime:
First, the Los Angeles Times was just forced to lay off almost a quarter of its “journalist” employees. Awww, that’s too bad. Did you try the strategy of not being a passel of amoral liars?

Second, the headline at NBC News: Journalists of color hit hard in seismic L.A. Times layoffs. THEY DID IT! THEY DID THE MEME! Layoffs at L.A. Times, women and minorities hardest hit.
NBC News continues: “In a move that jolted the journalism industry Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times, one of the leading newspapers in the country, laid off more than 115 journalists, a gash that affects several journalists of color.”
(My God, out of more than 115 people who were laid off, “several” were not white! Heavens!)

(6) Well, this is interesting! A December 2023 piece at the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum: Central banks and the revival of gold.
One of the most significant changes in the world of money has been happening by stealth rather than through any policy announcement. Gold has regained a solid yet unofficial role in the world’s monetary system in a barely noticed, gradual process that cannot now be overlooked. This is the result of several interlinked reasons. The last few years have seen central banks run into gold, accelerated by declining trust in the dollar following western countries’ freezing of $300bn of Russian foreign exchange reserves after the Ukrainian invasion.
I love the understated tone of that last sentence: Foreign central banks amass gold, not trusting the dollar after the US coalition grabs $300 billion of Russia’s dollars. No shit.

By the way: See what I mean about eating the seedcorn? “We have a currency of uncontested global dominance, and this benefits us in all kinds of ways. Let’s see, what short-sighted and pointless actions can we take that will destroy this asset?”

(7) China warms my heart: “Chinese Intelligence has all but openly admitted that TikTok is part of a targeted program to spread deviance…” In the modern US?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Talk about carrying coals to Newcastle! “Spreading deviance” in the modern US is like bringing sand to the beach.
I find it rather touching that some Chinese still have such a high opinion of us that they think they actually need to “spread deviance” here.

(8) The original COVID vaccine was released during Trump’s Presidency; in fact he bragged about fast-tracking it. So why doesn’t the Left just point that out and blame Trump for all the vaccine’s problems? Sure, this makes no sense, since Trump didn’t personally design the vaccine, but making no sense has never bothered the Left before. Sure, it would require a neck-snapping U-turn on the safety of the vaccine, but neck-snapping U-turns have never bothered the Left before. Neck-snapping U-turns are their forte. For fuck’s sake, they’ve spent every day since World War II calling everyone they don’t like a “Nazi” and yet they barely hiccupped last year when the Canadian legislature hosted an actual, literal Nazi. They spent four years saying Trump and Russia stole the 2016 election, then in November 2020 started saying that anyone who questions a US election is a fascist, with no cognitive dissonance whatsoever. Doing a U-turn on the vax would not only be possible for these people, it would be routine. So why don’t they? One hypothesis: They’re planning on doing another round of “You must get vaxxed” before the 2024 election, as part of all the mail-in ballots theater. So they can’t say, just yet, that the vaccines were terrible and it was all Trump’s fault. That may come, but not until circa November 10, 2024.

(9) The human race contains a significant proportion of lamentable fuckwits who can’t think their way out of a paper bag. It seems a lot of them know they’re lamentable fuckwits who can’t think their way out of a paper bag, and have a coping strategy of simply repeating whatever rhetoric their semantic environment tags as “intelligent” or “enlightened” thoughts. This is okay when the prevailing semantic environment is sane, but bad when it’s insane. Furthermore, evil people know all this and that is one of the reasons they devote so much effort to taking control of society’s semantic environment.

A large part of political struggles consists of trying to capture the idea-propagating institutions in order to control the minds of the lamentable fuckwits who can’t think their way out of a paper bag. They’re a resource that is fought over, like valuable terrain in a land war.

(10) A commenter here quotes one Robert Lewis Dabney on conservatives:
This is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader.
This was written in 1897.

(11) I like to end these posts on a lighter note, so: I recently learned there was a Marine weapon in World War II which was called, rather excellently, the Modified Johnson.
I have no further questions at this time.

“Shooting Unfolded”

(1) June 17, 2023: At least 20 people shot, 1 fatally, at Juneteenth celebration near Chicago.

“At least 20 people were injured, one fatally, when gunfire erupted early Sunday…” Gunfire erupted.

“The shooting unfolded about 12:30 a.m. in the parking lot of…” Shooting unfolded.

“The gunfire erupted during a large gathering to commemorate Juneteenth…” Gunfire erupted.

“Witnesses described a scene of panic with people… seeking cover from the barrage of gunfire.” Barrage of gunfire.

At this link we get “‘We were all just out, and, next thing you know shots just kept going off; everybody ran, and it was chaos,’ another witness said.” Shots just kept going off.

From another local Chicago station: “A large gathering in the parking lot ended in gunfire…” Ended in gunfire.

Since only one person was killed there are at least 19 people who were shot who are still alive to talk to reporters. Not to mention the witnesses who weren’t shot. The New York Times says there were hundreds of people present. Yet reporters write these stories as if they’re unable to get even one description of the shooter(s). Huh.

(2) At a 4th of July party: ABC News: “Reward offered in search for suspects in Baltimore block party mass shooting”

This article starts out by actually acknowledging that there were shooters: “investigators worked Monday to identify the suspects who killed two people and injured 28 others when they unleashed a barrage of gunfire early Sunday…”

But then: “Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott expressed concerns about more violence erupting…” Violence erupting.

“The mass shooting unfolded around 12:30 a.m. …” Shooting unfolded.

“police officers rushed to the scene when numerous 911 callers reported shots being fired.” Shots being fired.

“…the barrage of gunfire broke out during a block party…” Barrage of gunfire broke out.

It seems that “gunfire” is like a rain storm: sometimes it just… occurs.

Unexpected Admissions from the Media

March – early April 2022 we’re seeing some surprising admissions from the media: First they— including the New York Times and Washington Post— admit that the Hunter Biden story was legit. Here’s the New York Post discussing the other papers’ motives for acknowledging the story: https://nypost.com/2022/04/01/new-york-times-finally-admit-hunters-laptop-is-real-but-only-to-protect-joe-biden/

Then the Clinton campaign gets fined by the Federal Election Commission for electoral violations regarding the fake Steele dossier… and the media reports this!

From an article by Eric Tucker, Associated Press, circa March 20, 2022. Oligarchs drop their lawsuit over Trump dossier. (There’s that word “oligarchs” again. Empirically, it means: A rich person who’s a citizen of a country we’re currently doing a two-minute hate on.) There are a few interesting admissions in this article, all within one paragraph:

The Steele dossier has been largely discredited since its publication, with core aspects of the material exposed as unsupported and unproven rumors. A special counsel assigned to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia probe has charged one of Steele’s sources for the dossier with lying to the FBI, and has also charged a cybersecurity lawyer who worked for Hillary Clinton’s campaign with lying to the FBI during a 2016 meeting in which he relayed concerns about Alfa Bank.

Here’s another piece, by Jill Colvin of the Associated Press, March 31, 2022: DNC, Clinton campaign agree to Steele dossier funding fine:

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier…

Documents have shown the FBI invested significant resources attempting to corroborate the dossier and relied substantially on it to obtain surveillance warrants targeting former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

But the dossier has been largely discredited since its publication, with core aspects of the material exposed as unsupported and unproven rumors. A special counsel assigned to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia probe charged one of Steele’s sources with lying to the FBI and charged a cybersecurity lawyer who worked for Clinton’s campaign with lying to the FBI during a 2016 meeting in which he relayed concerns about the Russia-based Alfa Bank.

What the hell is going on?

If you were naive you’d say, “The truth has to come out sooner or later, and for the left this is a good time to release it, because we’re now well after the time the 2020 election can be contested, and well before the 2024 election, and everybody is currently distracted by the Russia-Ukraine thing.” But that’s wrong because no, the truth does not have to come out sooner or later, not in the minds of the NPCs who are the media’s main target audience. The media doesn’t “have to” admit anything ever.

This isn’t, say, 1999, when the Internet was big enough to affect our politics and hadn’t yet been corralled into controlled spaces like Twitter, etc.

So I have three guesses hypotheses. They all involve a ramping up of factional war within the left. One hypothesis is that first some anti-Biden faction struck at the Biden faction by reviving the Hunter Biden story. Then the Biden camp, believing— rightly or wrongly— that the Clinton camp did that, struck at the Clinton camp by spreading the news that the Steele dossier was bullshit and that the Clinton camp has been fined for it.

My second hypothesis is that this is an anti-white faction within the left striking out at both the Clinton camp and the Biden camp to hasten the demise of white influence within the Democratic party.

Or maybe it’s the Kamala Harris faction— there is a Kamala Harris faction, I guess?— getting potentially inconvenient Dems out of her way for Her Turn.

Or maybe something else. But this definitely smells like intra-left fighting to me.

As I’ve remarked before, We now read the news like the citizens of the Soviet Union read their news.

Those of us with a clue do, anyway. One reads that the FEC has fined Clinton and asks, “How the fuck did THAT story get approved for publication? Who has both the power and motivation to do that?”

(Postscript: Kamala Harris getting the Big Prize would be very, very, very, very bad. But there would be a tiny silver lining, the smallest possible silver lining, a “quantum of solace,” if I may swipe a phrase from a Bond flick: Watching Hillary Clinton’s head explode literally, yes literally, like in that movie Scanners from decades ago, when some female other than Herself Clinton becomes the first woman President. Imagine Hillary seething with rage at that election result! I really hope that Harris never gets the Presidency (just saying it is scary). But if she does, God forbid, I hope she invites the Clintons to the inauguration.)

Miscellany 27: When you stare long into the Miscellany, the Miscellany also stares into you

(1) I don’t agree with the view of NRx that monarchy is better than democracy. I suspect the people who think that are comparing the sordid reality of democracy to the radiant vision of the best theoretical monarchy. That’s not a valid comparison; we must compare the sordid reality of democracy to the sordid reality of monarchy.


It looks like we don’t have a choice anyway. Apparently history says either we’re going to get totalitarianism, which as a practical matter is going to be led by one person a la Stalin, or we’re going to get a Caesar, who is going to destroy our current totalitarianism and replace it with a non-totalitarian monarchy. In other words, in the long run it looks like our only choices are one kind of monarchy or another kind of monarchy.

If it is true that those are the only two possibilities, then it indeed makes sense to think about how to bend the coming monarchy, if we get one, into its best-case scenario.

(2) Director Eats Too Many Finger Paints in Art Class, Tries to Make TV Show Trailer

“Drama is people doing amazing things for good reasons; melodrama is people doing amazing things for no reason.” —Dictum of fiction writers.

Via Blind Prison of the Mind

There’s a desperately sad trailer for an upcoming Wheel of Time vidya series. The Wheel of Time books are a fantasy series I haven’t read, but they’re well known among fantasy fans.

The trailer goes like this. A bunch of people – suitably racially diverse for Current Year – are sitting around in an old-timey tavern and inn. It’s definitely not a pub, let alone a bar or club, but a tavern. There’s no electricity, everything’s made of wood, etc. There’s a massive fireplace, the fireplace equivalent of a walk-in closet. That bad-ass fireplace turns out to be the best thing about this moronic trailer. We get enough shots of the clientele laughing to get that this is a laid back/party environment where everyone is having a good time. In fact, there’s enough unexplained acausal laughing that I started to wonder what the fucking joke was. But okay, whatever.

There’s a moment of two dudes having some dumb beta orbiter talk about the barmaid.

Then the stupidity really kicks in. The tavern door opens and we see a pair of boots. The camera is on the floor, lingering on this pair of boots. We cut away to some reaction shots of the tavern’s customers. They’re all appalled, or shocked, or just stunned into silence. My God, what is it? Back to the floor-level camera, showing us the boots walking a bit. “This is weird,” I thought, “what’s with the boots?” Then another couple of reaction shots of the stunned clientele. What is it, a dude with two heads or something? Then another floor-cam shot of the boots, walking. At this point I blurted, “What the hell? Is the director of this a foot fetishist?”

Then the camera pulls back and we see what has caused the tense hush among the people. It’s… a man! This is what has shocked the tavern’s customers into speechlessness. Or maybe it’s the fact that he left the door open behind him – on this rainy winter night – and they’re all thinking, “What a douche!”

(New joke:
You: “A guy walks into a bar.”
People you’re telling the joke to: “Yeah, then what?”
You: “I can’t tell you; I’m shocked into silence by a guy walking into a bar.”)

Challenged by the barmaid to identify himself, he dramatically pulls back the hood of his cloak and introduces himself as “Joe Shmoe, moron who was raised in a barn,” or whatever, I wasn’t really paying attention. Then we jump to a flashback or dream sequence or hallucination or something. It’s a severely out-of-focus shot of a figure walking toward the camera. What does it mean? The focus resolves and wait, nope, it’s not a dream sequence; it’s just a woman walking into the tavern, out of focus for absolutely no reason whatsoever. In she walks, and she also leaves the door open, even though there is no one else coming in after her. What a fucking twat!

The man introduces her and she orders a stable for their horses and a room for the night, a move that is so unexpected in this tavern and inn that everyone is still speechless. Finally the tavern owner is like “No prob; I’ll sesh you,” and… that’s the scene.

As one YouTube commenter asks:

“How do you reckon that conversation went? ‘Okay, so here’s the plan. I’ll walk in alone while you stay out in the rain and wait for people to stop what they’re doing to notice me before announcing myself. Then when I announce you you dramatically walk out of the downpour, and we leave the door open.’”

There also is a thread of commenters who have read the books wondering why these two people, who apparently need to be traveling incognito, are doing everything possible to draw attention to themselves short of setting their hair on fire.

The whole trailer is notably fuckwitted, and it raises a question: What the fuck was the animating idea for this scene? Worse, this is what the producers of this thing think is one of the best scenes in the production, good enough to be featured in an ad for it. It’s clear from watching it that the director had no idea what the fuck he – or she! – was doing. An ad for a new show should make us think “Wow, that looks really cool” or “Hmm, I’m intrigued by the mystery.” Instead we’re thinking either (1) Close the fucking door! or (2) Why did they hire a director of foot fetish porn for this project?

That foot thing is surreal. You have to watch the clip to believe it. The director was just copying some technique he saw somewhere and now he thinks that’s just how you do it: You focus on the feet. This is a textbook example of the cargo-cult mentality: copying techniques without the faintest idea of why and how the techniques were originally used. Presumably this kind of shot originally was used in a way that made sense. One can easily imagine such uses. E.g., it’s from the viewpoint of a character who just got slugged and is lying on the floor. Etc. But this dumb-ass director has never even contemplated the notion that cinematic techniques are used for a reason. He just saw it in a music video once and thought, “I’ll do that.”

(Is western society becoming more idiotic? Or was it always this stupid, and the past seems better because the crap is forgotten over time, leaving mostly the good stuff?)

I tried to come up with a hypothesis of some conscious goal that the producers of this crap had in mind as they tried to string a coherent thought together in the fog of their oxygen-deprived haze. And maybe there is a semi-sentient purpose in this: to name two major characters who will be familiar to the fans of the book series. Thus we get Barn-Boy dramatically pushing his hood back and saying “I’m Barn Boy,” then adding, “And this is Standing-In-The-Rain Girl.” (No, I’m not going to re-watch it to see what their actual names are; I’ve already watched the crap twice, which is more than enough.) But this is done badly; badly enough for the YouTube comments to be overwhelmingly mocking. Do it correctly, asshats.

Off the top of my head: We start with the tavern. Two people enter. They don’t leave the door open, they don’t stand there in the middle of the floor, and they don’t do anything else to call attention to themselves. They unobtrusively go straight to a table and take a seat. They doff their hoods, not melodramatically, but normally, and we see that one is a man, who is sitting with his back to a wall so he can see the whole room, and the other, facing him, is a woman. He says to her, “Why don’t you swing around a bit so you don’t have your back to the room, [Her Name].” And she replies, “I don’t have to worry about that, [His Name]; I have you to watch out for me.” Thus we get their names for the fans, and we also get realistic behavior. We also get some mystery for the non-fans, because we want to know why it’s dangerous for her to be sitting with her back to the room and how/why she has this bodyguard traveling with her. And can the average person afford a bodyguard? Presumably not, so that raises the question of her social position as well. Is this a countess traveling incognito or what? And if so, why?

If that’s not enough there’s her ring, which figures prominently in the actual trailer. I have no idea what its significance is, but that could be worked in as well. Just have a barmaid come over to take their order and have the woman quickly pull her hand under her sleeve, obviously trying to hide the ring. That adds more mystery. And the whole scene, if I say so myself, has an appropriate measure of drama. None of it involves bizarre camera work that pulls the viewer out of the scene with its grating pointlessness, people traveling incognito going out of their way to call attention to themselves, or humanly unrealistic reactions of people being shocked into speechlessness by the once-in-a-lifetime spectacle of a guy walking into a bar.

Now my version doesn’t end on a dramatic note, so if you want, you can then do the standard rapid-fire montage of action shots to let people know that, yes, there is some action, and yes, we have a special effects budget of more than fifty bucks. Fine. It’s been done, but it’s better than trying to whip up drama with a couple of people requesting lodging at a tavern/inn.

Now as I said, I’ve never read the books. Maybe they’re not on some dangerous quest and my bodyguard notion is off. But I’ve heard this is a classic “band of heroes teams up to defeat the bad guy before he destroys the world” fantasy series. So there’s something interesting about them, or there wouldn’t be a series of like ten books devoted to their quest. Whatever that interesting thing is, the dialogue between them can hint at it.

I literally just made this up, and I dare say it does a better job than the version they actually came up with. I’m pretty sure that my version would at least dodge dozens of comments to the effect of “Close the fucking door, asshats,” and might even interest a few people.

(3) Circa November 8, 2021: I read some article about a guy slashing a bunch of people on a train in Germany. They don’t report the perpetrator’s name or any details. So of course I make certain inferences about the attacker.

If you dig around you can, with a little effort, find out the attacker’s salient identity-politics characteristics. He’s a Syrian immigrant. Surprise!

But that’s not my main point. My main point is that it recently hit me:

We now read the news like the citizens of the Soviet Union read their news.

Soviet citizens would read Pravda not because they thought it told them the truth, but because they could infer certain truths from Pravda by analyzing its content. They noted what it said, what it didn’t say, how it said what it said, how the narrative would do a blatant 180 from one week to the next, etc.

All that is stuff we do now, at least those of us with a clue. The newspaper didn’t tell me that the attacker was a Muslim and/or non-white and/or immigrant, but I inferred that with a high degree of confidence from what they didn’t say.

Of course, those of us who aren’t leftist wackos have been reading in a manner somewhat like this for decades, but it’s become different in the last few years. Consider e.g. the media’s simultaneous assertions, starting in late 2016, that subverting US elections is impossible (and anyone who thinks it’s possible is a fascist), and that Trump and Russia subverted a US election. That is a new level of double-think. The media has demanded that its faithful leftist readers abandon all principle, and embrace hypocrisy, for a long time. But

“US elections cannot be subverted and Trump subverted a US election”

is new. It is a leveling-up of the psychological demands made on the ideologically faithful.

Another case from 2016 is the case of Hillary Clinton having a blatant seizure on video, followed by the media saying, “You did not just see her having a seizure.” This was the clearest case of “How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?” that I can think of.

The other major example over the last few years is the new approach to reporting based on racial criteria. The media always reported in ways that helped the leftist party line on race. But lately the deliberate burying of news stories of black-on-white violence, playing up of the opposite stories, etc., has intensified significantly. It has mutated from silence about black-on-white violence to an attempt to convince the population of the opposite of the truth about inter-racial violence. The truth, which one can still learn from official crime statistics— for the time being— is that blacks are several times as likely to attack whites as vice-versa. But the media purposefully report, and don’t report, news stories in such a way as to create the opposite impression. I fear that many young people in the US might believe that whites attacking blacks is more common than the opposite.

Of course we know the media does this, but here’s an interesting case in which they actually admit to doing it. Here’s a piece at a Binghamton NY media outlet in which they lament, in 2019, that a 2009 shooting has all but been forgotten. Gosh, why was it forgotten?


“Not that the community wants to be solely identified by its own active shooter at an immigrant center that claimed the life of 13 victims 10 years ago.”

Goodness, a shooting at an immigrant facility! It must have been a white supremacist!

“But with each subsequent mass shooting, it seems the shocking incident that gripped this community in fear and mourning on a rainy and chilly Friday morning fades further from the nation’s collective memory, creating a double tragedy for the innocent, many of whom were foreign nationals in an English class.”

We read a rather lengthy article filled with woe that this shooting has been forgotten. Strangely, the identity of the shooter is never mentioned. Then we get to an editor’s note at the end:

“Editor’s note: Though the identity of the man who killed 13 people at the American Civic Association in 2009 is public record and has been widely circulated, the Press & Sun-Bulletin has chosen not to include his name or likeness in these articles.”

Yeah, I noticed that. A quick Net search reveals this at Wikipedia:

“Jiverly Antares Wong, a 41-year-old naturalized American citizen from Vietnam, entered the facility and shot 17 people…”

Of course we don’t need the editor’s note or an article identifying the shooter to know why they censored his identity. This is merely a rare case in which they are relatively explicit about their censorship.

(What goes on the minds of people who censor news stories, then wonder why those news stories are forgotten? I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be that stupid.)

Even people who aren’t aware of egregious cases like this know the media does things like this all the time. And so we read and watch the media the way people in North freakin’ Korea read and watch their media.

And so we take another step into the psychology of totalitarianism.

Hilariously Grandiose Commentary on the Gay NFL Guy

Back in July, Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Carl Nassib announced that he is homosexual, thus becoming the first active NFL player to do so. The commentary on this was over the top, as one would expect in CURRENT YEAR. Here are three examples.

Frank Bodani, York Daily Record

“He may well become a beacon for acceptance, in light of his historic Monday announcement regarding his sexual orientation.”

Right, because our society doesn’t have enough acceptance of homosexuality. Meanwhile, back in reality, gay couples are profligately featured on television, both in the programming and in advertisements.

What involves greater risk – THESE DAYS, NOT 100 YEARS AGO – saying you’re homosexual or saying you’re anti-homosexual?

PS: “historic.” Oh, shut up.

“Arians, a York High graduate, owns the most diverse staff in the NFL. His Super Bowl-winning Bucs are the only team with four African-American coordinators and two full-time female coaches.”

Have I been dosed with enough hallucinogens to fell a horse, or did this guy just suggest that there aren’t enough blacks in the NFL?

Then we get a quote from Nassib’s former coach at Penn State, James Franklin:

“Carl’s brave announcement will forge a path for others to be true to their authentic self.”

FOR FUCK’S SAKE! Sometimes I feel like I could handle the propaganda blast if it weren’t so intelligence-insulting. Stop saying that coming out in 2021 is “brave”!

Bodani provides this side note:

“Franklin, meanwhile, is the first African-American head coach in Penn State history.”

Franklin is Penn State coach, and not Joe Paterno, because Paterno was fired for covering up the gay child sex assaults that happened under his watch.
Do an article on that gay guy, Bodani!

Mike Freeman, USA Today

The headline: “Carl Nassib’s coming out doesn’t just make history. Raiders DL [defensive lineman] could save lives.”

Oh for fuck’s sake! “Could save lives.” This is the most grandiose thing you could say. If you’re a leftist, notice that your “thought leaders” aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they’re just trolling you now.

The article begins,
“To fully understand just how brave, how stunning, how historic it is…”
GOD! HELP US! PLEASE! Not so much from the gay as from the screaming insults to our intelligence!

Reality check: In 2021, Nassib’s announcement is not in the least brave, not in the least stunning, and not in the least historic.

So brave! Meanwhile, back in reality, it’s literally the safest thing that a white male could do. He can’t change himself to a female and he can’t change himself to black, so announcing that he’s gay is the only way he can acquire political correctness points.

Actually, according to the reigning ideology, he could change himself to female by simply announcing that he’s female. OK, so it’s one of the two safest things he could do. Being safe, huddling behind an identity politics politically correct SJW victim shield is, speaking precisely, the exact opposite of brave. In our society it is the very definition of riskless playing it safe.

So of course the left claims that it’s “brave,” with their perverted sexual fetish for saying the exact opposite of the truth.

Freeman continues,

“All of those things [“hate,” etc.] likely forced a legion of NFL players to stay cloaked and hide who they truly were. They couldn’t publicly say they were gay because they might be physically attacked in the locker room. Or cut by the team. Or any number of other things that could have destroyed them or their careers.”

“Might be,” “could have…” Typically, the left is trying to get people outraged about things that never actually happened.

“Former NFL player Roy Simmons came out after his NFL career. When he published a memoir in 2006, the NFL denied his application for a radio row Super Bowl credential.”

Bullshit. It’s not clear what this means, but it seems Simmons requested press credentials for the 2006 Superbowl… three days before it (see below). Freeman nastily implies that Simmons’s request was denied because he was homosexual. He offers no evidence to support this claim. He uses the slimy phrasing “When he published a memoir in 2006, the NFL denied his application…” No, it wasn’t denied “when” he published his book. Slimy insinuations without evidence from the left. I’ve been studying leftists for decades and they still disgust me.

Per Wikipedia’s article on Simmons: “In 2006, three days before the Super Bowl, Simmons requested a media credential and two tickets to the game. The NFL denied his request, saying that it had received too many similar requests to accommodate all of them.”

Well, yes, I imagine that the requests for free tickets to the Superbowl— the largest sporting event in the US— far outstrip their availability. Especially if you don’t ask until three days before it! By the way, Wikipedia also mentions that Simmons tried to get all victimy about this, with the help of… wait for it… Gloria Allred, the ambulance-chasing lawyer who is so frequently on the scene when there’s a leftist cause to be litigated.

“What Nassib has done is help make being gay in the NFL less something to fear. But it’s bigger than even that. His announcement may have saved lives.”


“Maybe a troubled LGBTQ teen, some of whom contemplate suicide, according to surveys, will see Nassib’s words and…”


NFL practice squad gay Michael Sam “has said in interviews that the first time he truly understood the power of coming out was after a girl told him his announcement saved her life. She had been bullied and had been on suicide watch.”


“‘I decided to be the shield and the sword,’ Sam said…”

OK, well thanks for not getting too grandiose or anything.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell refuses to be outdone in terms of breathless rhetoric:

“The NFL family is proud of Carl for courageously sharing his truth today,” Goodell said in a statement. “Representation matters. We share his hope that someday soon statements like his will no longer be newsworthy as we march toward full equality for the LGBTQ+ community. We wish Carl the best of luck this coming season.”

“The NFL family.” Ugh. Shut up, Goodell.

“is proud of Carl” For what? Being homosexual? How is that an accomplishment?

“for courageously sharing his truth” It’s not courageous! Nothing is safer in CURRENT YEAR than announcing that one is homosexual! Stop lying!

Since being homosexual is not an accomplishment (as admitted by the “gay community” themselves, since they say they’re born gay and can’t help it) there’s no way to praise being homosexual other than by pivoting, i.e. changing the subject. In our society in CURRENT YEAR, the pivot is to claiming that it’s dangerous to announce that one is homosexual (as if) and so such announcements are “brave.” Ugh. Just shut up, you intelligence-insulting douchebags.

Ukraine: Biden’s Admission on Video

Biden on video in 2018, bragging about pressuring Ukraine to shut down an investigation involving his son. Biden boasts that he told the Ukrainian government,

“If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well son of a bitch. He got fired!”

That’s it for that.

Media notes:

For the most part they’ve been horribly dishonest, of course. Yet surprisingly, a lot of the usual suspects are letting the truth about Biden’s quote slip out.

Even the Washington Post has run this story, complete with the damning quote. Wow.

So did The Atlantic. Of course they surround Biden’s quote with “the real villain here is Trump” bullshit, but still!

Biden told the story himself at a Council on Foreign Relations event in 2018:

“I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

To summarize, Biden threatened to withhold aid if the prosecutor wasn’t fired, and he was. Importantly, Biden was not freelancing, but was acting as a representative of President Barack Obama.

Mother Jones provides the Biden quote, though again, of course surrounded by “the real villain here is Trump” agitprop:

The Hunter Biden Timeline

Joe Biden later told the story of Shokin’s firing like this: “I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.

The extended version of the video, almost an hour, is at RealClearPolitics.
Biden’s relevant statements start between the 52 and 53 minute points (the link defaults the video to a minute or so before the good stuff begins). Biden boasts that while in Ukraine,

I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired.

I usually avoid the 4D chess thing, but in this case I think that’s what happened. Trump knew about this video before he spoke to the Ukranian President, of course. He was practically daring the Dems to open up this can of worms. And they did.

Leftists, firing a laser at a mirror: “Oww! Fucking Trump!”

A Small Example of Liberal BS

Just weighing in here for a second while this is still fresh. This is just a small example of liberal media BS, but so easily exposed.

Via Vox Day I found this Hollywood Reporter piece. It quotes Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, as saying he doubts the company would continue to shoot movies in Georgia if the restrictions on abortion in the state are implemented, because too many Disney employees would be opposed to it.

(By the way, this is absolutely remarkable public image management for Disney, of all corporations: As a pro-abortion company. Seriously, Iger?)

Hollywood Reporter then says:

“Disney’s prospective withdrawal from production in Georgia would be a huge blow to the state. Recently, Disney’s Marvel Studios filmed portions of both Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame in Georgia.”

How does this belch of threat display stand up against actual fact?

Short version: I checked, and the entire budget of End Game – making no attempt to sound out how much of it actually ended up in Georgia’s economy – amounts to a tiny fraction of one percentage point of Georgia’s economy. How tiny? Only 6/100 of one percent!

In technical terms, quantities this small are called: LOL.

Not only is it not going to be “a huge blow to the state,” it wouldn’t even be noticed.

Details with data sources below.

What the left is trying to do on this matter – not just in this little article – is simply threaten, to puff themselves up like an animal confronted by a predator and hope that the bluff works.

Another way of putting it: This is trying to apply Alinsky’s dictum “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.” So again: Bluff.

How I exposed the BS (it wasn’t hard to do):

1. According to the file handily provided by the Commerce Department at https://www.bea.gov/data/gdp/gdp-state, Georgia’s state GDP in 2018 was 2.9% of US GDP.

2. Per the Federal Reserve System, https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYGDP, U.S. GDP in 2018, as of the most current estimate, was $20.24 trillion. That times 0.029 = $587 billion.

3. Per Google, End Game’s total budget was $356 million. Obviously they didn’t spend all of that in Georgia, but let’s suppose they did, just for fun. Then the fraction of Georgia’s GDP that amounted to was

356 mill/587 bill = 0.0006.

That is, about 6 hundredths of one percentage point.

And that’s if the movie’s entire budget was spent in Georgia! How much was actually spent there? Who knows, but a big chunk of the budget is certainly salaries for Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., etc. One piece of scuttlebutt puts Downey’s earnings for the film at $75 million. Those paychecks go to the actors, not the citizens of the state.

Does the “reporter” who wrote this know that it’s false? Well, either he does, and wrote it anyway, or at the very least he wrote it with an absolute lack of concern for whether it’s true or false. If he cared he would have checked first.

It really is remarkable how shameless and unhesitant liberal reporters are to just make stuff up with no concern for its truth.

So often their bluffs rely on most readers being to busy or too trusting or whatever to check them. But sometimes it only takes a little checking to kick the crap out of their sad little narratives.

Reddit deletes 300,000-member Qanon forum

The title is self-explanatory. Obviously this is important enough to be its own post. But there isn’t much to add, which is why it’s a short post.

(I’m a Q skeptic, but that is really not the point.)


Commentary at Vox Popoli:

If you’re on the right and you can, I’d signal boost this. Let’s see if we can Streisand the Orwellian shitbags.

Press weeps over deportation of immigrant who shot someone

Oh, boo hoo, we’re so sad because a man who committed first-degree assault is going to be sent home!

And note that the “journalists” don’t tell you the details of the assault:

He shot someone.


That little detail was regarded as unimportant for readers to know, for some reason.

Illustrating that there’s no lie so brazen that a lefty won’t tell it, a local School Board President described the trigger-happy green carder as a “law-abiding citizen.” This about a man who is definitely, unambiguously, not a citizen, and not law-abiding. He in fact (1) pled guilty to a shooting, and (2) is an immigrant who was awarded a green card but never even applied for citizenship. So I guess the message is, “He has been totally law-abiding… since he tried to kill someone!”

The good news is that he was eventually deported back to Haiti:

From http://www.whec.com/news/haitian-man-deportation-decade-list-rochester-reginald-castel/4593960/

Speaking Saturday, school officials said Castel has a clean record besides the assault [Un Fucking Believeable] and even the victim of the attack wants him to stay.

“The one person he was engaged in has signed an affidavit that said, ‘I have moved on with my life, and he is my friend, and I want him to move on with his life,’” said Rochester City School Board President Van White.

That’s nice, but I don’t want immingrants who run around shooting people in my country.

And the victim obviously wasn’t feeling too sanguine about being shot back when it happened, or he would have refused to press charges and/or would have pleaded with the court for clemency when it went to trial.

By the way, that use of the word “citizen” by the local politician is not accidental. The left is deliberately trying to destroy the distinction between “citizen” and “someone who is currently standing on US soil.” Obama did this, e.g., when he told anchor baby Gina Rodriguez that anyone who votes is automatically a citizen.

In the linked video, the outrage starts around the 3:22 mark, where she starts by whining that illegals are fearful of voting. Good, you fucking asshole, they should be afraid to vote. It’s not legal for them to vote! It’s not even legal for them to be in the country!

Then the vile subhuman that goes by the name Barack Obama says, “When you vote, you are a citizen.”

No they aren’t, Obama, you piece of filth!

BONUS: Snopes says this statement by Obama never happened and rates it ‘FALSE.” They do this even though they provide a link to the video, presumably because they know that their leftist readers, faced with a choice between their own eyes and ears or leftist propaganda, will believe leftist propaganda.

Mr. President, Ignore the “Chiiiiiillllldren!” Rhetoric

The media will of course trot out utterly dishonest polls saying that 128% of Americans hate the current policy of separating invaders from their children. These polls will be bullshit, of course. Just ignore them, as always.

And if someone doesn’t want to be separated from your kids, well, then don’t invade other nations, assholes. While bringing your kids with you, no less.

The wording that I’ve seen from the media is encouraging, because it’s so extreme that it shows they really are desperate. Typical wording in the lying Fake News media is something like, “Trump is facing a rapidly rising disastrous firestorm of outrage, even from within his own party, on chiiiilllllldren being separated from their parents!!!” The hysterical tone by itself is enough to reveal that they’re terrified this latest propaganda offensive won’t work. They want you to cave in quickly, before everyone gets bored and moves on to the next manufactured outrage du jour.

No, you’re not facing a “firestorm of outrage” from anyone. The Left’s outrage is fake, as always. And you’re certainly not facing outrage from within your own party. With tens of millions of Republicans, they can always find a few Republicans to quote as saying, “I’m against this!” Just ignore it. Remember what issue got you elected to the White House.

Actually, I’m not sure what the Left is hoping to accomplish anyway. What good does it do them if the invaders are incarcerated, but with their kids? I don’t know, maybe they’re just looking for something to point to as a victory to improve their base’s morale for November. Deny them that.

Anyway, the Left’s turn to this new propaganda line is a good sign. It means that even the Left is starting to realize that the “You’re raaaaacist!” stuff has failed. Thus the search for a new propaganda line and the turn to “What about the chiiiiiilllllldren!?” That they’ve resorted to that is a sign that we’ve got them on the run. Keep it up!

You know the Left is desperate when they’re resorting to rhetoric that was openly mocked by The Simpsons back in the 1990s, LOL:

It’s almost impossible to overstate what a victory this change in rhetoric is. I never thought that I would see in my lifetime the Left abandoning “That’s racist!” And now they’ve not only abandoned that, but they’ve abandoned it on the immigration issue!

We really have them on the run!

Hold fast!