A prediction retracted

I’ve been saying that if Trump wins the 2024 Presidential election then I will cheerfully concede that electoral fraud is centralized. That’s the only way the people in control would be able to switch the fraud on and off at will.

However, the debate of last night (June 27, 2024) changes that. Even all the leftist media are conceding it was a disaster, a worst-case scenario for Biden. He was so senile, so off the chain mentally, that not even media whores whose profession is lying could deny it. This makes it possible that the street-level Democrats who implement the fraud might lack the enthusiasm to bother. If that’s the case, then Trump could win even if fraud is decentralized.

Note, though, that this assumes Biden remains the Democrat nominee.

In Philippa Gregory’s The Other Boleyn Girl, King Henry VIII is unable to produce a legitimate son, and Anne Boleyn is speculating about that unstable political situation. “What will happen?” she wonders. “Something has to happen. What will it be?”

What will happen? Something has to happen. Will the Dems use the 25th Amendment to get rid of Biden? Will Biden keel over before election day… or between election day and inauguration day? Will the Dems send Biden to the Big Pork Barrel in the Sky and frame a “right-winger”? Will Biden somehow manage to stay alive until election day and be frauded into office, and actually make it to the inauguration? Will Trump be elected? Will Trump be jailed? Will Trump be both jailed and elected? And if the Dems get rid of Biden, one way or another, who will be Biden’s replacement on the Dem ticket? As a legal matter it doesn’t have to be Harris, but as a realistic political matter, it does. The Dems’ white-hating and man-hating politics simply won’t allow them to shuffle off a non-white female Vice-President in favor of someone else. If they shuffle her off they might very well lose the street-level fraudsters they rely on to “win.”

There are so many possibilities that I can’t see how to make a prediction with any real confidence. But let’s channel the spirit of Instapundit: If you’ve got a modem, I’ve got an opinion! So here’s my All New! Updated! prediction: They’ll Amend-25 Joe out the door – last night gives them a perfect excuse – and bite the bullet with Harris.

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