The Revolution Eats its Own, Part 2,307,114

Via Vox Day:

Two gender non-conforming queer gay tranny dudes, or whatever they call themselves (it’s complicated, of course) get eaten (and not in a fun way) by the rest of the SJW horde.

There is, or was, a gay musical duo called PWR BTTM (“Power Bottom,” I guess). One of its members, identified as “Mx. Hopkins” —note the absurd gender-neutral honorific —had an indiscretion from more than half a decade ago resurface:

in December, a photo surfaced of a young Mx. Hopkins beside a swastika drawn in sand at the beach. (Mx. Hopkins apologized publicly and said it was taken in 2011, “a time in my life where I thought being ‘politically incorrect’ was really funny…”)

An attempt to apologize to the SJW attack mob. (Facepalm.) Do I even have to tell you what happened after that?

…additional questions about Mx. Hopkins’s behavior began to circulate online, spurred by postings on social media accusing Mx. Hopkins of sexual misconduct and boundary-crossing behavior.

What the fuck does that mean? Pshhhhet, “boundary-crossing behavior.” Not so amped about being “transgressive” now, are ya, poochy?

“These allegations are shocking to us and we take them very seriously,” the band wrote in a statement… The band announced it would set up an email address through which allegations could be discussed and was seeking a mediator to monitor it.

LOL. What they thought they said: “We sincerely regret our actions, we’ll never do it again, we’re publicy apologizing so you guys win, plus we’re one of you, we’re on the same side, so there’s no reason to attack us!”

What they actually said, translated into SJW-speak: “There’s blood in the water and we’re defenseless and weak!”

Since the allegations… several companies and musicians affiliated with the band have ended their relationships. An album-release show at Rough Trade in Brooklyn was canceled, and several artists who were slated to support PWR BTTM on its coming United States tour announced they will no longer participate. The band was also dropped by its management agency…

How bewildering must this be to people whose bread and butter was the SJW-compliant nature of their act. But wait! There’s more!

Polyvinyl, which put out “Pageant,” announced on Saturday it would no longer work with PWR BTTM, or sell or distribute its album, in hard copy and on streaming services. It will offer refunds to those who purchased “Pageant” from the label.

Their management’s announcement from Facebook is typical of this genre of defenestration: it somehow manages to be preeningly self-important and fervidly groveling at the same time:

In light of the allegations involving members of PWR BTTM, Salty Artist Management will no longer be working with the band. We do not take these kind of allegations lightly and our thoughts are with victims and survivors of abuse who have been affected by this.
If you need someone to talk to, these organizations can provide information and support…

Seriously, why does anyone supplicate to an SJW attack mob? THAT DOESN’T WORK. Indeed it invites more attacks, because SJWs don’t attack you because they believe you did something wrong – try to get that through your head – they attack you because they like attacking. When you apologize, you’re literally just saying, from SJWs’ point of view, “I’m weak! It’s easy and safe to attack me!”

There is no amount of of compliance with SJW dogma that buys you safety. All the apologizing and setting up mediated disccussion forums to talk about the transgressions, etc., didn’t save them. Their being gay trannies didn’t save them. Their over-the-top groveling didn’t save them. There is no reason to cave in to SJWs. They’ll attack you anyway.

As commenter krymneth at Vox Popoli says,

There is no game-theoretic reason for a white male, even if they can make a few feeble checkmarks next to supposed victim statuses, to be an SJW.

…the slightest error and you will be ejected. The error need not even be real, accusations will do…

There is no payoff matrix whereby a white male can “win” with the SJWs, so… why bother? Or an Asian, or to some extent, anyone who disagrees with them. They’ve made it game-theoretically pointless to ever give them anything they want.

This is another way of looking at the futility of the SJW movement in the longterm. They are now structurally incapable of not ejecting huge swathes of their own supposed political base.

He’s right, of course, thank goodness. Note SJWs don’t care if it suffers from long-run futility (they just like attacking people in the moment), but that long-run untenability is certainly very good news for normal people.

Also, the errors or accusations don’t matter as such; they just function as a coordination device for the SJW rage mob. More on this coming up in my next post.

Well, whatever. There are now two gay/bi transvestites who have discovered, in a very costly way, that SJWs are not about “inclusion.” They’re about attack mobs searching for victims to lynch.

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