Terrified of President Trump, Left Pushes Impeachment

NOTE: I drafted this post before I was aware of Comey’s May 3rd testimony, which totally destroys the last vestiges of the latest get-Trump scheme. Even Congressional Dems are now trying to cool their constituencies’ hopes for impeachment. The left has nothing, except to try to drag an investigation past the 2018 mid-term elections, so that during election season they can say, “Trump, who is under investigation for…” and hope some of that sticks to Republicans running for Congress. And that’s their best-case scenario!

To all the Trump doubters, note that the Washington Post is now seriously trying to get him impeached. No, this isn’t going to go anywhere, but it says something about their beliefs about what he wants to and might accomplish. They try to take a calm tone, but this is a desperate Hail Mary pass for them. I guess they figure they have nothing to lose. Wow. He’s a real threat to them.

You can read the latest propaganda line in a recent Washington Post screed by vile subhuman Laurence Tribe. (No, I’m not going to provide a link to this steaming pile of crap.)

The first paragraph is this single sentence:

“The time has come for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation of President Trump for obstruction of justice.”

This isn’t just venting. They’re actually going for it.

“Trump accompanied that confession with self-serving — and manifestly false — assertions about having been assured by Comey that Trump himself was not under investigation.”

Even for a left-winger, this is a breathtakingly brazen lie. Comey was not investigating Trump. And Trump said, in the public letter in which he fired Comey, that Comey had assured him on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. There’s no way that Comey would let that slide if it were false.

And to advocate that Trump be impeached for doing something – cutting Comey loose – that Democrats were demanding be done. The brazenness of the left is unbelievable.

Another eye-poppingly audacious lie:

“the president turned to Twitter with a none-too-subtle threat that Comey would regret any decision to disseminate his version of his conversations with Trump — something that Comey has every right, and indeed a civic duty, to do.”

This is the precise opposite of the truth. Trump warned Comey that before Comey said anything, he should consider the possibility that Trump had taped their conversations. In other words, Trump was warning Comey not to lie, because Trump might be able to reveal the truth.

Here’s Trump’s tweet:

James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

Again, if Trump’s lying, then how exactly does it help him to release tapes of his lying? This is not even a coherent line for the left to take. Trump really has them severing their last contact with sanity.

The last paragraph of Tribe’s propaganda burst:

“But whether it is devotion to principle or hunger for political survival that puts the prospect of impeachment and removal on the table…”

Okay, hold on, time out. Tribe is actually saying that it would be good for a Republican Congressperson’s political survival to vote for impeachment! Unbelievable. Is he that stupid, or does he just think that GOP members of the House and Senate are that stupid?

Let’s start that last paragraph over again:

“But whether it is devotion to principle or hunger for political survival that puts the prospect of impeachment and removal on the table, the crucial thing is that the prospect now be taken seriously, that the machinery of removal be reactivated, and that the need to use it become the focus of political discourse going into 2018.”

They’re doing it. They’re actually, seriously trying to get him removed from office.

This should shore up the spirits of any Trump-doubters. It proves the Establishment is stark staring terrified of him.

No, this isn’t going to go anywhere. But it’s astounding that they’re making the effort.

It should also kill any naif’s last shreds of belief that the Left has any attachment to democracy.

But there is certainly good news here as well.

First, as noted above, this reveals what the left themselves think about Trump’s intentions and abilities. And they are scared witless.

It has occurred to them that they can’t fight him for at least four, and maybe eight, years. And they certainly don’t want to. It has also occurred to them that if he runs again in 2020, they won’t be able to use the “If he’s President he’ll start killing minorities!” etc. that they tried in 2016.

At first I thought that they were going for it because they’re bold. But no: They’re going for it because they’re scared shitless.

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